Partnering for Prevention - Regional Meetings Announcement

February 23, 2015 2:29 PM | Anonymous

Partnering for Prevention

Please join us for a meeting to discuss ways in which to strengthen families, prevent child abuse and improve the outcomes for children in your region of   the state.  

 O Discuss needs in your community,

O Hear how to stay connected during the upcoming legislative session,

O Get information and materials that you can use in your program,

O Meet and network with others working on behalf of children  and families, and 

O Learn how you can be a part of the COLOR a Brighter Tomorrow for Children Project!

We hope that you will attend the event in your area!


This event is co-sponsored by the Louisiana Partnership for Children & Families and the Louisiana Children's Trust Fund.

Dates and locations of the meetings:

March 9 - Northeast Louisiana Region in Monroe

March 10 - Northwest Louisiana Region in Shreveport

March 10 - Central Louisiana Region in Alexandria

March 13 - Southeast Louisiana Region in New Orleans

March 16 - Florida Parishes Region in Mandeville

March 23 - Bayou Parishes Region in Gray (Houma)

March 25 - Acadiana Parishes Region in Lafayette

March 26 - Southwest Louisiana Region in Lake Charles

March 30 - Capitol Parishes Region in Baton Rouge

Download  a statewide flyer or go to the Louisiana Partnership's Calendar of Upcoming Events for more information

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