ZERO TO THREE Launches Beyond the Word Gap

October 24, 2014 8:44 AM | Anonymous

ZERO TO THREE Launches Beyond the Word Gap

Please see the announcement below from ZERO TO THREE about their new multimedia web portal to help close the gap around early language and literacy. This follows a White House Conference last week on federal, state and local efforts to bridge the word gap, co-convened with Too Small to Fail.
Dear Partners,
ZERO TO THREE is excited to announce Beyond the Word Gap, our new multimedia web portal designed to provide parents, professionals, and policymakers the resources they need to close the word gap and support early language and literacy.
We are thrilled by the momentum being created through conversations about the “word gap” and the growing recognition that learning happens from the start. Beyond the Word Gap builds on this conversation by highlighting the critical role that close, nurturing relationships with trusted adults play not only children’s early language skills, but all aspects of development.
Beyond the Word Gap features resources in both English and Spanish, and includes mobile apps, interactive online tools, videos, infographics, podcasts, policy materials, and more.  A key feature of the Beyond the Word Gap web portal is ZERO TO THREE’s new, free app, Let’s Play!, which provides parents and caregivers easy, fun ideas for engaging babies and toddlers during daily routines, emphasizing the importance of making all activities a language-rich experience. To learn more,
As sponsors of last year’s Rally4Babies, we are asking that your organizations join us by sharing Beyond the Word Gap with your networks.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact or 202-857-2677.
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